Sunday, 23 June 2024
13:00 – 19:00
Healing Space, Marchwartstrasse 30, 8038 Zurich, Switzerland
Who is Slow Sex for
This afternoon we will get to know slow sex. No, it is not just what the name suggests, just slow sex. It is more about slowing down the energies that so often prevent us from deeper, true enjoyment.
Yes, slow sex is enjoying, feeling, surrendering without a goal, without a plan, without knowledge. The body is given the chance to take over the 'direction' and to unfold its entire range of sensations and experiences. Completely new dimensions of physical and energetic perceptions open up. Because only here can your very own sexual impulses be felt and experienced within you. This is not possible with a fast pace of stimulation and with this depth of sensation.
Step by step we delve into these secrets of sexuality. Deeper connection, love, contact, desire and joy with yourself and your partner are the gifts of a felt, connected union.
We learn how to enter into union without an erection. How you, as a man or woman, can completely surrender to the relaxation of your body during union. How to recognize and enjoy sexual and lustful energies that rise and fall. We learn how the healing powers of sexuality work. And how slow sex brings two people into a completely new and deeper connection and thus love.
And we experience again and again in a very touching way how much healing between man and woman is revealed in these rituals. When true connection occurs. When it is no longer 'sex', but a mutual, genuine seeing of the person who agrees to share body, love and being with you.
You as a person or together as a couple decide the openness with which you want to go through this afternoon. Nudity, as well as touching, contact and mindful and conscious union are possible. From our experience we know about the spiritual and healing power that can touch hearts and souls when we open this sacred and powerful space of true sexuality.