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In a protected, safe room, I accompany you with great care on the way of your sexual and thus also life energy. We explore your sexual worlds without going beyond your limits and always explore your possibilities and places of growth.

With shamanic and tantric rituals, also supported by sex education knowledge, we free your sexual and life energy into the joy and power of life.

The ways:


We start where you are in life and your sexuality, break through the energies that are hindering you and begin to liberate your own sexual worlds.

We get to know them, research them and design them step by step into the world.

In various exercises and settings, we research your original sexuality and the healing powers that reside in it.

Truth, relaxation and joy are our most important guides.

We compare beliefs, fears and ideas with reality, check them with our body feeling, and then find out for us whether they still apply to you or whether you have actually developed further!


After these steps, we discuss together how to proceed. The following options are available:

Sacred Sexual Healing

The Sacred Sexual Healing Sessions follow your very own sexuality at the pace that allows you to maintain the highest level of awareness and mindfulness while exploring and experiencing your sexuality.

This begins in the first steps with the perception of the distance and closeness you need for yourself in order to be able to relax in sexuality or to be with your partner. It continues in recognizing how much security and security are prerequisites for the life of your sexuality. Only then do we slowly approach, step by step, the energy and form of your sexuality.

We go into the worlds of your original sexuality with a lot of awareness and mindfulness. Whether naked or dressed, with sexual rituals or in the free flow of energies, in physical union or only in Yoni - Lingam contact or purely energetic, none of this matters at all. You set the limits and explore your options in this way for yourself.



In a protected, safe room, I accompany you with great care on the way of your sexual and thus also life energy. We explore your sexual worlds without going beyond your limits and always explore your possibilities and places of growth.

With shamanic and tantric rituals, also supported by sex education knowledge, we free your sexual and life energy into the joy and power of life.

The ways:


We start where you are in life and your sexuality, break through the energies that are hindering you and begin to liberate your own sexual worlds.

We get to know them, research them and design them step by step into the world.

In various exercises and settings, we research your original sexuality and the healing powers that reside in it.

Truth, relaxation and joy are our most important guides.

We compare beliefs, fears and ideas with reality, check them with our body feeling, and then find out for us whether they still apply to you or whether you have actually developed further!


After these steps, we discuss together how to proceed. The following options are available:

Sacred Sexual Healing

The Sacred Sexual Healing Sessions follow your very own sexuality at the pace that allows you to maintain the highest level of awareness and mindfulness while exploring and experiencing your sexuality.

This begins in the first steps with the perception of the distance and closeness you need for yourself in order to be able to relax in sexuality or to be with your partner. It continues in recognizing how much security and security are prerequisites for the life of your sexuality. Only then do we slowly approach, step by step, the energy and form of your sexuality.

We go into the worlds of your original sexuality with a lot of awareness and mindfulness. Whether naked or dressed, with sexual rituals or in the free flow of energies, in physical union or only in Yoni - Lingam contact or purely energetic, none of this matters at all. You set the limits and explore your options in this way for yourself.


Tag 1 Erwachen

Du begegnest dem Bild und der Kraft deiner Sexualseele und -energie. Wir lauschen deinen Sehnsüchten der Liebe, Verbundenheit und Sexualität, die unsere wichtigen Wegführerinnen werden.

Tag 2 Wachsen

Wir lernen die Wege deiner Ur-eigenen Sexualität kennen, erforschen, erfahren und gestalten sie in achtsamen Sexual Healing und schamanischen Zeremonien in die Welt. Heilung, Kraft und Magie deiner Sexualität erhalten Stimme und Kraft.

Tag 3 Initiation

Du übernimmst deine Mitte wieder mit dir selbst. Du wirst deine Sexualseele, deine Kraft, dein Atem. Du festigst gleichsam dich selber in dir und darin auch deine sexuelle Kompetenz. Du wirst ein freies sexuelles Wesen.

Tag 4 Sein

Das zelebrieren der Erfüllung deiner sexuellen Kraft, Liebe, Verbundenheit und Freude! Du erfüllst dich in deinem Sein selbst. Deine Erfüllung öffnet die Türen zu Beziehung und Sein mit sich selbst und andern in Entspanntheit und Freude.

Sexual Heart Healing

The Sexual Heart Healing Sessions are accompanied by men and women. The support from woman to woman (or man to man) gives security, support, and thus the courage to experience, sense and explore the energy of the other person more safely.

The presence of the same beauty can give a lot of security and connection in the approach to one's own sexuality, to the sexuality with other people.

Knowing the supportive power of the same beauty behind or next to you, exchanging experiences with the same beauty in exploring and experiencing your own sexuality, or sexuality with men / women is a very profound experience for many people. It can make a difference. Sharing feelings, being supported in your own experience and receiving feedback from your own beauty usually brings a lot of relaxation and dissolving of blockages.

For women it is often this connection with the female power that helps to face the male power in a relaxed way and to get to know them deeper and to welcome them.

Many of us as adolescents did not get exactly this support of the same beauty on the first way into sexuality, be it from the mother or the father, the grandparents or from experienced people like some primitive peoples.

I also work on issues of sexual abuse, with no need to know a history. We only work with the forces that are available to you now and today to transform or dissolve the forces that still existed in the past. Every suffering already carries its own healing. Finding and activating this is the healing path that I can offer.

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